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Essential Information on SLIT and OIT at Midwest Allergy Sinus Asthma’s Food Allergy Center for Treatment

MFACT offers advanced treatment options for a range of food allergies, focusing on Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) and Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT). We offer OIT for all food types, but our patients usually request treatments for allergens such as egg, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, and less commonly, meat and sesame. Our treatment protocols begin with liquid forms of allergens, gradually progressing to powders, nut butters, or solid foods based on the patient’s response and the specific allergen. This program includes innovative approaches like our baked milk and egg treatments, which have been widely adopted and praised for their effectiveness.

We cater to patients of all ages, though OIT is most effective in younger patients, including babies. We also provide guidance for breastfeeding mothers on safely increasing allergen exposure through breast milk. For those requiring treatment for multiple allergies, we offer multi-food OIT, starting with a single allergy treatment and adding others as needed.

SLIT, offered as both a standalone and a preparatory treatment before OIT, is another key component of our services. This treatment has been effective for both inhalant and food allergies and involves maintenance doses of 4-5mg per day after approximately four months of escalation.

Our clinic is also actively involved in advancing allergy treatment through research and education, offering additional support like telehealth consultations, after-hours assistance, and a patient support group.

If you are interested in the treatment or learning more about the treatment, please call our office at 309.452.0995 for Normal office where Dr. Siri and Kat Lally run the OIT program, or at 217.717.4404 for Springfield office.


What is Oral Immunotherapy (OIT)?

  • OIT is a method used to desensitize individuals to food allergens. It involves gradually increasing the amount of the allergen, starting with very small doses that increase over time, beginning with liquids and potentially moving to solids.

What food allergies does your clinic treat with OIT?

  • We treat a variety of food allergies, notably egg, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, and to a lesser extent, meat and sesame.

What is Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)?

  • SLIT is a treatment that involves placing a small dose of an allergen under the tongue, which can help reduce the sensitivity to allergens. It is used both as a standalone treatment and as a preliminary treatment before starting OIT.

Do you offer SLIT for food allergies?

  • Yes, we offer SLIT for food allergies. It can be used as a standalone treatment or as a pre-treatment to OIT, generally reaching maintenance doses after about four months.

How does the clinic support patients with severe allergies?

  • In addition to OIT and SLIT, we provide co-treatment options, enrollment in clinical trials for innovative treatments, and ongoing support through telehealth services and a food allergy support group.

Can young children and babies undergo OIT?

  • Yes, OIT is often most effective in young children and babies, and we provide specific protocols and support for treating patients in this age group.

Our clinic’s comprehensive approach to treating and managing food allergies ensures that each patient receives personalized, effective care based on the latest medical research and practices.

If you are interested in the treatment or learning more about the treatment, please call our office at 309.452.0995 for Normal office where Dr. Siri and Kat Lally run the OIT program, or at 217.717.4404 for Springfield office.

Additional Media Resources:

Watch a discussion “Why Choose OIT” with Dr. Siri and Allergy Mom and “Egg allergy OIT treatment) on Youtube.